
Saturday, December 28, 2013

The Flowers of War (Film)

Plot: In 1937 China, during the second Sino-Japanese war, a mortician, John (Christian Bale) arrives at a Catholic church in Nanjing to prepare a priest for burial. Upon arrival he finds himself the lone adult among a group of convent girl students and prostitutes from a nearby brothel. When he finds himself in the unwanted position of protector of both groups from the horrors of the invading Japanese army, he discovers the meaning of sacrifice and honor.


the GazettE around the world [fan project]

Yoko Takahashi - Zankoku na Tenshi no Teze

Monday, December 16, 2013

12012 - Gekkou (Translation)


We will fall until we feel no more
Don’t you understand what I’m whispering to you

Keep on
Keep on moaning until I get you
Won’t you smile now, Won’t you sing
The moonlight is hiding you from me

An old story of tragedy that narrate southerly month
love that’s similar to the obsession with demise and dance

Tight of two people that tongue melt together, naugty
The light of the moon that tearing the darkness to hide you

Exhausted madness call
Cold body that was early found

A night away from my beloved

Can’t find you now
Here’s what I do
I cannot stand seeing you that way so
tonight, tonight, tonight I’ll hug you strongly
That beautiful as moon, dont cry
tonight, tonight, tonight everything will be over
I love you all
Do you feel better nou you can let all go
The pain, the stains, the sorrows you had
I’ll save you from all that

I’ll save you from all that

Saturday, December 14, 2013

ν[NEU] 「mousou kiss」

v[NEU] started an interesting project last week: If their PV for “mousou kiss” gets a specific number of views they will hold some extra events for you - and some of these events sound really interesting!

These are the promises the band made:
If the PV gets 50.000 views they will hold a high-five event after their One man live at Shibuya-AX on January 26th.
If the PV gets 100.000 views they will hold a free live after their live at Budokan on December 27th.
If the PV gets 300.000 views they will go on a special trip with their fans.
If the PV gets 1.000.000 views 5 fans will get the chance to kiss the members.
And the last and probably most interesting event is a “wedding ceremony”-event for 5 fans! The members will have this ceremony when the PV hits 10.000.000 views. 

All views until January 25th. 2014 will count. 

Source: jpopasia

BIGSTAR - Standing alone