Story behind
Doing all that he could do, 4men’s
Shin Yong Jae helped fulfill the dreams of one high school student who passed
away in the Sewol ferry tragedy by singing his song.
On May 30, Shin Yong Jae released
the song You Whom I Love (translated), which was written and composed by Lee Da
Woon, a high school student who was amongst the 288 people who died in the
tragic Sewol ferry accident on April 16,.
Knowing Lee Da Woon was a huge fan
of Shin Yong Jae, his family contacted 4men’s company, asking if the company
could produce the song that Lee Da Woon wrote before his death.
“I hope that I could be of help in
making his last dreams come true and a small comfort to his family,” said Shin
Yong Jae, who agreed right away to create the song. “As I was recording, I
could feel Da Woon’s sincerity in the song so my heart ached. I hope that this
song will be a comfort to his family and friends, and more than anything, I
hope Da Woon is happy in heaven listening to this song.”
You Whom I Love was created based on
a 2-minute video clip found on Lee Da Woon’s cellphone.
The lyrics have especially been
breaking hearts as it reads like a comfort to those in pain after the tragedy.
The lyrics read, “You whom I love,
you worked hard today as well / You, who are struggling, you, who are
struggling, I want to hug / By now, you’re probably dreaming a good dream /
Sleepless, I think about you / Listen to this song I wrote. You did well today
as well.”
All profits made from the song will
be used for the students still recovering at Danwon High School.
Meanwhile, 16 people still remain
missing from the ferry accident.
Source: mwave